All tenants, who are moving out have to perform an end of tenancy cleaning as instructed by the landlord in the lease papers.
Although this may seem as a major and complicated task a simple checklist to be followed makes life a lot easier for everyone. Be sure to commence the end of tenancy cleaning once you have collected all your personal belongings and items around the house.
End of Tenancy Cleaning
If by any chance you need to have professionals do the carpet cleaning hiring a professional is a great place to start, there are many bargain deals waiting for you. Working your way through the checklist will take time and effort (depending on the state of the property) so arm yourself with patience and. As mentioned above, the state of the property determines how long it will take to bring it up to scratch, make sure you pay attention to the kitchen and bathroom as these are high traffic and high usage areas where everyday use takes its toll.
Be sure to clean all the cabinets, benches and counters, they’re bulky items and will make a good impression if well cleaned. Again, if along the way you find yourself going over the same spot again and again then you may have to call in some professional end of tenancy cleaning services in Islington is full of companies ready to help out at the right price. Don’t forget to clean the glass surfaces such as windows and mirrors as those will show dirt and stains easily.
Collect all the rubbish around the house as you don’t want to leave chocolate wrappers behind the couch or that slipper your dog chewed through and buried somewhere in the garage, simple things like these will really make a difference when returning the keys. Be sure that the fireplace is clean and ash free as next tenants may have problems with ash, dust or any other residue left from the fireplace.
Last but not least – don’t forget that the garage, the porch and the back yard are parts of the property and they too need to be clean and presentable when vacating the property so don’t forget to include them in the cleaning checklist as well.
We at Islington Cleaners know too well that your time is precious. Thus our team makes everything possible to help your efforts leave a clean rental unit before you go. You will leave your landlord bedazzled with the help of our professional move out cleaners.